'Managing, Just' was released in September 2021: it tells a story of mental health and perseverance. It began as an outlet following the end of a relationship but quickly gained a different meaning as soon after its release my family suffered with a personal issue, and it had a huge impact on all our lives.


Stylistically I took a different approach with the music; due to the nature of its original inspiration, I wanted to strip back the excessive effects I usually use and build layers of coherent guitar melodies, overlapping, intertwining, and harmonising. Each recording/writing session was not predetermined, so the recordings you hear on the album are the first iterations of the song, they came out as they did, and I feel that is the most honest way of communicating a feeling. My family issue has resolved, and everyone is working together to support each other. 'Managing, Just' serves a purpose of documenting a really tough time that I managed to get through, and I hope people can resonate with the sounds I have created.